Update On Sunnydell
A sampling of Blooms photographed by Homeland Photography
It has been a bit since we chatted, so here I am stopping by to visit a bit and also to invite you to join me on the Farm!
I have a big passion for this growing gig and I love to share our boutique farm blooms with you.
August is a good month on the Farm.
Sunflower in the morning
I started growing vegetables and flowers 45 years ago, long before the idea of Sunnydell Flower Farm even had a name or a vision.
Long before social media existed, long before there was much literature on how to grow flowers.
One pretty much purchased a packet of seeds, popped them in the ground after frost-kept them moist and prayed they’d sprout.
Cornel Bronze Dahlia
While it is a bit more technical than this-it’s best not to overthink it all-but to enjoy the process of growing.
I grew my plants from the example of my parents, plus a true passion for studying a few theories behind the growth of a plant.
I just knew I felt my best when my hands and arms were elbow deep in the good earth while nature swirled untamed around me, and I still do.
It more than growing it’s a vital process for my well-being.
Sunnydell Flower Farm at sunset-straw flower blooming in raised beds with hoops.
I grow for the love and joy of growing.
I never grow weary of this joy and of sharing it.
My insatiable curoisity for the wonder of the seedling to the sprout and the journey to adult blooms never ever wanes.
Which brings us to the current status of Sunnydell Flower Farm today.
Bee’s Choice Mix Dahlia’s (grown from seed)
Despite hail, sleet, snow, wind and lack of abundant thermal conditions our perservance and faith paid off-plus just a bit of really hard work!
Sunnydell and the Flower Cottage are filled with strong, healthy, nurtured blooms that are gloriously beautiful.
Besides being beautiful they are ready for you to cut and take home!
We have some August events scheduled for the last two Sunday’s of this month.
You are invited to join us and spend some time strolling the Farm and relaxing by the waterfall.
Just click on Upcoming Events to reserve your spot!
Hope to see you soon!