Gardening Prompt and Resources

Greetings Flower Loving Friends!

We have more daylight in the evenings!

Isn’t this just wonderful news!

Today we are chatting a bit about February/March gardening preparations, I have included a prompt to assist us all in making the most of this slower time of the year as well as some excellent and reliable gardening resources that will assist us all in a successful growing year.

Soft Pink Ranununculus

Gardening With Heart, Soil and Soul

Soil is truly the soul of our gardening, add a good dose of heart and we are well on our way to beautiful gardens.

Mother earth needs love and respect, her soil is the foundation for all of humanity.

Once we have grown for a few years we will know exactly what our soil needs or doesn’t need.

However, we must remember this - all soil needs heart.

We cannot grow year after year without amending the soil and even giving her a rest.

The term for letting the land rest is Summer Fallow .

“Summer fallow is a farming practice that involves leaving a field unplanted during the summer months in order to allow the soil to rest and rejuvenate. This practice has been used for centuries in many countries around the world..”

Rest is good for us and our soil.

Ranunculus, tulip, babys breath bouquet in a simple mason jar.

Prompt For Today: What steps are we taking this month for our gardening goals?

  • This is the time of the year to make certain we know what our gardening zone truly is.

  • Unsure? Just click on this LINK, you will be redirected to the updated 2023 USDA Plant Hardiness Zone.

  • Once planting zone is determined propogation may begin!

  • February is an great month to begin taking inventory of our supplies-Bootstrap farmer has excellent propagation trays.

  • February is an excellent month to begin propagation for many plants.

  • A simple windowsill, bookshelf, or table in our homes is a perfect place to begin our growing(keep it simple and enjoy!)

  • Existing Trays should be thoroughly washed with warm water and soap, rinsed and dried before adding propagation soil.

  • Good dirt is the soul of our soil., excellent soil source is Pro-MIx soils.

  • Start the year out right with documenting plantings and thoughts, my friend Greicy has lovely journals.

  • Garden Up Green (learn to grow in raised beds,) written by my friend Carole West, is a thoughtful and excellent resource for sustainable and enjoyable gardening practices.

Kalidescope of colors - the Ranunuculs bloom in the Greenhouse.

I will be back again soon with some tips on growing these beautiful blooms that I have shared today.

I am over the moon in love with them after just growing them one year!

Until then Floret Flower Farm has this wonderful resource on the beloved Ranunculus

As Always,



Joy in the Garden


Gardening and Growing Prompts for 2025